First Authors Surname:
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
| G
| H
| I
| J
| K
| L
| M
| N
| O
| P
| Q
| R
| S
| T
| U
| V
| W
| X
| Y
| Z
The Asynchronous Communication bibliography contains references to papers, articles, technical reports and books on Asynchronous Communication Mechanisms (ACM), algorithms, wait-free communication and atomic communication algorithms.
If you know of any references which should be included, or if you know a reference is available online, or have problems/comments/suggestions etc. then please email me.
This originally started out in BibTeX format. The last, now out of date file is here. Asynchronous Communication Bibliography in BibTeX.
Some links.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Hugo Simpson for some of the references listed.
Notes - some listings also give K/M/N = K writers, M readers and N bits.
- A
title = "Asynchronous Buffer",
howpublished = "European patent",
month = "October",
year = 1979,
note = "Patent No. 2-039-102"}
author = "U. Abraham and M. Magidor",
title = "On the mutual exclusion problem - a quest for minimal solutions",
journal = tcs,
year = 1994,
volume = 129,
number = 1,
pages = "1--38",
note = ""}
author = "U. Abraham",
title = "On interprocess communication and the implementation of multi-writer atomic registers",
journal = tcs,
year = 1995,
volume = 149,
number = 2,
pages = "257--298",
note = ""}
author = "Y. Afek and E. Gafni and J. Tromp and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title = "Wait-Free test and set",
booktitle = "",
year = 1992,
volume = 647,
series = lncs,
pages = "85--94",
note = ""}
author = "Y. Afek and H. Attiya and D. Dolev and E. Gafni and M. Merritt and N. Shavit",
title = "Atomic snapshots of shared memory",
journal = jacm,
year = 1993,
volume = 40,
number = 4,
pages = "873--890",
note = ""}
author = "Y. Afek and M. Meritt and G. Taubenfeld",
title = "Benign failure models for shared memory",
booktitle = "",
year = 1993,
volume = 725,
series = lncs,
pages = "69--83",
note = ""}
author = "Y. Afek and D.S. Greenburg and M. Merrit and G. Taubenfeld",
title = "Computing with faulty shared objects",
journal = jacm,
year = 1995,
volume = 42,
number = 6,
pages = "1231--1274",
note = ""}
author = "O.R. Aguilar and A.K. Datta and S. Ghosh",
title = "Sharing memory in asynchronous message passing systems",
booktitle = "",
year = 1991,
volume = 519,
series = lncs,
pages = "129--140",
note = ""}
author = "M. Ahamad and J.E. Burns and P.W. Hutto and G. Neiger",
title = "Causal memory",
booktitle = "",
year = 1992,
volume = 579,
series = lncs,
pages = "9--30",
note = ""}
author = "S. Anand",
title = "Integrating distributed mutual exclusion with distributed shared memory",
school = "Arizona State University",
year = 1991,
note = ""}
author= "J. Anderson and A. Singh and M. Gouda",
title= "The Elusive Atomic Register",
institute= uta,
number= "TR.86.29",
year= 1986,
note =""}
@COMMENT "1/1/N - 1/M/N & 1/M/1. Claimed 1st multireader solution (2 -M), exponential solution"
author = "J.H. Anderson and M.G. Gouda",
title = "Atomic semantics of nonatomic programs",
journal = ipl,
year = 1988,
volume = 28,
number = 2,
pages = "99--103",
note = ""}
author= "J. Anderson",
title= "Multiple-Writer Composite Registers",
institute= uta,
number= "TR.89.26",
year= 1989,
month= "September"}
author= "J. Anderson",
title= "Composite Registers",
booktitle= podc,
year= 1990,
pages= "15--30",
number = "9th annual."}
author= "J. Anderson",
title= "Atomicity of Concurrent Programs",
school= uta,
year= 1990}
author = "J.H. Anderson",
title = "A criterion for atomicity",
institution = uta,
year = 1990,
number = "TR-90-24",
note = ""}
author= "J.H. Anderson and M.G. Gouda",
title= "A Criterion for Atomicity",
journal= fac,
year= 1992,
number= 4,
pages= "273--298",
note= ""}
author = "J.H. Anderson and B. Groseij",
title = "Beyond atomic registers - bounded wait-free implementations of nontrivial objects",
journal = "Science of Computer Programming",
year = 1992,
volume = 19,
number = 3,
pages = "197--237",
note = ""}
author = "J.H. Anderson and B. Groseij",
title = "Pseudo read-modify-write operations - bounded wait-free implementations",
booktitle = "",
year = 1992,
volume = 579,
series = lncs,
pages = "52--70",
note = ""}
author = "J.H. Anderson and J.H. Yang and M.G. Gouda",
title = "The granularity of waiting",
booktitle = "",
year = 1992,
volume = 647,
series = lncs,
pages = "313--328",
note = ""}
author= "J.H. Anderson",
title= "Composite Registers",
journal= dc,
year= 1993,
volume = 6,
number= 3,
pages= "141--154"}
author = "J.H. Anderson and M. Moir",
title = "Towards a necessary and sufficient condition for wait-free synchronization",
booktitle = "",
year = 1993,
volume = 725,
series = lncs,
pages = "39--53",
note = ""}
author = "J.H. Anderson",
title = "A fine grainded solution to the mutual exclusion problem",
journal = "Acta Informatica",
year = 1993,
volume = 30,
number = 3,
pages = "249--265",
note = ""}
author = "J.H. Anderson",
title = "Multi-writer composite registers",
journal = dc,
year = 1994,
volume = 7,
number = 4,
pages = "175--195",
note = ""}
author = "J.H. Anderson and J.H. Yang",
title = "Time contention trade-offs for multiprocessor synchronization",
journal = "Information and Computation",
year = 1996,
volume = 124,
number = 1,
pages = "68--84",
note = ""}
author = "J.H. Anderson and S. Ramamurthy and K. Jeffay",
title = "Real-time computing with lock-free shared objects",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems",
year = 1997,
volume = 15,
number = 2,
pages = "134--165",
note = ""}
author = "J.H. Anderson and M. Moir",
title = "Using local-spin kappa-exclusion algorithms to improve wait-free object implementations",
journal = dc,
year = 1997,
volume = 11,
number = 1,
pages = "1--20",
note = ""}
author = "D.L. Andrews and P. Austin and P. Costello and D. Levan",
title = "Interprocess communications in a real-time embedded distributed processor",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems 1995",
year = 1995,
pages = "201",
month = "April",
publisher = ieeecsp,
note = ""}
author = "F.D. Anger",
title = "On Lamport interprocessor communication model",
journal = apls,
year = 1989,
volume = 11,
number = 3,
pages = "404--417",
note = ""}
author = "M. Arshad",
title = "Contention free synchronization in shared memory multiprocessors",
school = "Ohio State University",
year = 1997,
note = ""}
author= "J. Aspens and M. Herlihy",
title= "Wait-free Data Structures in the Asynchronous {PRAM} Model",
booktitle= paa,
year= 1990,
month= "July"}
author = "J. Aspens and M. Herlihy",
title = "Fast randomized consensus using shared memory",
journal = "Journal of Algorithms",
year = 1990,
volume = 11,
number = 3,
pages = "441--461",
note = ""}
author= "P.C. Attie and E.A. Emerson",
title= "Synthesis of concurrent systems for an Atomic Read / Atomic Write model of computation",
journal= jacm,
year= 1996,
pages= "111--120",
note = ""}
author = "H. Attiya and M. Herlihy and O. Rachman",
title = "Efficient atomic snapshots using lattice agreement",
booktitle = "",
year = 1992,
volume = 647,
series = lncs,
pages = "35--53",
note = ""}
author = "H. Attiya and N. Lynch and N. Shavit",
title = "Are wait-free algorithms fast",
journal = jacm,
year = 1994,
volume = 41,
number = 4,
pages = "725--763",
note = ""}
author = "H. Attiya and M. Herlihy and O. Rachman",
title = "Atomic snapshots using lattice agreement",
journal = dc,
year = 1995,
volume = 8,
number = 3,
pages = "121--132",
note = ""}
author = "H. Attiya and A. Barnoy and D. Dolev",
title = "Sharing memory robustly in message passing systems",
journal = jacm,
year = 1995,
volume = 42,
number = 1,
pages = "124--142",
note = ""}
author= "B. Awerbuch and L.M. Kirousis and E. Kranakis and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "On Proving Register Atomicity",
institution= cwi,
number= "CS-R8707",
year= 1987,
month= "February"}
author= "B. Awerbuch and L.M. Kirousis and E. Kranakis and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "A Proof Technique for register atomicity",
booktitle= fsttcs,
series= lncs,
volume= 338,
year= 1988,
pages= "286--303"}
- B
author = "R.J.R. Back",
title = "A method for refining atomicity in parallel algorithms",
journal = lncs,
year = 1989,
volume = 366,
pages = "199--216",
note = ""}
author = "K.M. Bidriddine",
title = "New, efficient, and fault tolerant protocols for the distributed mutual exclusion problem",
school = "Arizona State University",
year = 1992,
note = ""}
author = "V.C. Barbosa",
title = "Blocking versus nonblocking interprocess communication - a note on the effect on concurrency",
journal = ipl,
year = 1990,
volume = 36,
number = 4,
pages = "171--175",
note = ""}
author = "A. Barnoy and D. Dolev",
title = "A partial equivalence between shared memory and message passing in an asynchronous fail-stop distributed environment",
journal = "Mathematical Systems Theory",
year = 1993,
volume = 26,
number = 1,
pages = "21--39",
note = ""}
author = "R.R. Bazzi and G. Neiger and G.L. Peterson",
title = "On the use of registers in achieving wait-free consensus",
journal = dc,
year = 1997,
volume = 10,
number = 3,
pages = "117--127",
note = ""}
author = "M. Ben-Ari",
title = "Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming",
publisher = ph,
year = 1990,
note = ""}
author = "B. Berard",
title = "Global serializability of concurrent programs",
journal = tcs,
year = 1994,
volume = 124,
number = 1,
pages = "41--70",
note = ""}
author = "J.A. Bergstra and J.W. Klop and J.V. Tucker",
title = "Process Algebra with Asynchronous Communication Mechanisms",
booktitle= "Seminar on Concurrency",
editor = "Winskel, G.",
series = lncs,
volume = 197,
pages = "76--95",
publisher= springer,
year = 1985 }
author = "Berkel C.H. (Kees) van and Ronald W.J.J. Saeijs",
title = "Compilation of Communicating Processes into Delay-Insensitive Circuits",
booktitle= iccd,
publisher= icsp,
pages = "157--162",
year = 1988 }
author = "Berkel, Kees van",
title = "Handshake Circuits: An Intermediary between Communicating Processes and {VLSI}",
school = "Eindhoven University of Technology",
year = 1992 }
author = "B.N. Bershad and T.E. Anderson and E.D. Lazowska",
title = "User-level interprocess communicationfor shared memory multiprocessors",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems",
year = 1991,
volume = 9,
number = 2,
pages = "175",
month = "May",
note = ""}
author = "E. Best and B. Randell",
title = "A formal model of atomicity in asynchronous systems",
journal = "ACTA Informatica",
year = 1981,
volume = 16,
number = 1,
pages = "93--124",
note = ""}
author = "P. Bitar",
title = "The waekest memory access order",
journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
year = 1992,
volume = 15,
number = 4,
pages = "305--331",
note = ""}
author= "B. Bloom",
title= "Constructing Two Writer Atomic Registers",
howpublished= mit,
year= 1986,
month= "June"}
author= "B. Bloom",
title= "Constructing Two-writer Atomic Registers",
journal= ieeetc,
year= 1988,
month= "December",
volume= 37,
number= 12,
pages= "1506--1514",
@COMMENT "got. 1/M/N - K/M/N"
author = "G. Bochmann",
title = "Distributed Synchronization and Regularity",
journal= "Computer Networks",
volume = 3,
pages = "36--43",
year = 1979 }
author = "G. Bochmann",
title = "Delay-Independent Design for Distributed Systems",
journal= ieeese,
volume = "SE-14",
number = 8,
pages = "1229--1237",
month = aug,
year = 1988 }
author = "G. Boudol and I. Castellani",
title = "Concurrency and atomicity",
journal = tcs,
year = 1988,
volume = 59,
number = "1-2",
pages = "25--84",
note = ""}
author = "G. Boudol",
year = "1989",
journal = eatcs,
pages = "136--144",
title = "Atomic actions (note)",
volume = "38"}
author = "A. Brogi and J.M. Jacquet",
title = "Modelling coordination via asynchronous communication",
booktitle = "Coordination models and languages",
year = 1997,
editor = "Garlan D., Le Metayer D.",
volume/number = 1282,
series = lncs,
pages = "238--255",
note = ""}
author = "E. Brunvand",
title = "Translating Concurrent Communicating Programs into Asynchronous
school = "Carnegie Mellon University",
number = "CMU-CS-91-198",
year = 1991 }
author = "J.A. Brzozowski and M. Yoeli",
title = "On a Ternary Model of Gate Networks",
journal= ieeetc,
volume = "C-28",
number = 3,
pages = "178--184",
month = mar,
year = 1979,
note =""}
@COMMENT = "uses 0,1/2,1 - where 1/2 represents unknown or changing, no meta refs"
author = "J.A. Brzozowski and C.J. Seger",
title = "A Characterization of Ternary Simulation of Gate Networks",
journal= ieeetc,
volume = " C-36",
number = 11,
pages = "1318--1327",
month = nov,
year = 1987 }
author = "J.A. Brzozowski and C.J.H. Seger",
title = "Advances in Asynchronous Circuit Theory; Part {I}:
Gate and Unbounded Inertial Delay Models",
journal= eatcs,
number = 42,
pages = "198--249",
month = oct,
year = 1990 }
author = "J. A. Brzozowski",
title = "Delay-Insensitivity and Ternary Simulation",
booktitle= "Proc. of the First International Conference on Semigroups and
Algebraic Engineering",
publisher= "World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore",
month = mar,
year = 1997 }
author = "J.E. Burns",
title = "Complexity of communication among asynchronous parallel processes",
institution = git,
year = 1981,
number = "GIT-ICS 81/01",
note = ""}
author = "J.E. Burns",
title = "Complexity of communication among asynchronous parallel processes",
school = git,
year = 1981,
note = ""}
author = "J.E. Burns and P. Jackson and N.A. Lynch and M.J. Fischer and G.L. Peterson",
title = "Data requirements for implementation of {N}-process mutual exclusion using a single shared variable",
journal = jacm,
year = 1982,
volume = 29,
number = 1,
pages = "183--205",
note = ""}
author = "J.E. Burns and G.L. Peterson",
title = "Constructing an atomic single-writer, multi-reader register from atomic single-writer, single-reader registers",
institution = git,
year = 1986,
number = "GIT-ICS 86/27",
month = "December",
note = ""}
author= "J.E. Burns and G.L. Peterson",
title= "Comments on: Atomic Multireader Register (Detailed abstract)",
institution= git,
year= 1987,
number= "GIT-ICS-87/08",
month= "January"}
author= "J.E. Burns and G.L. Peterson",
title= "Sharp Bounds for Concurrent Reading while Writing",
institution= git,
year= 1987,
number= "GIT-ICS-87/31",
note= "revised 1988"}
author= "J. Burns and G. Peterson",
title= "Constructing Multi-Reader Atomic Values from Non-Atomic Values",
booktitle= podc,
year= 1987,
month= "August",
pages= "222--231",
number = "6th Annual",
note =""}
@COMMENT "1/1/N - 1/M/N & 1/M/1"
author= "J.E. Burns and G.L. Peterson",
title= "Pure Buffers for Concurrent Reading While Writing",
institution= git,
year= 1987,
number= "GIT-ICS-87/17",
month= "April"}
author= "J.E. Burns and G.L. Peterson",
title= "The ambiguity of choosing",
booktitle= podc,
year= 1989,
pages= "145--157",
number = "8th annual"}
author = "J.E. Burns and N.A. Lynch",
title = "Bounds on shared memory for mutual exclusion",
journal = "Information and Computation",
year = 1993,
volume = 107,
number = 2,
pages = "171--184",
note = ""}
author = "J.F. Buss and P.C. Kanellakis and P.L. Radge and A.A. Shvartsman",
title = "Parallel algorithms with processor failures and delays",
journal = "Journal of Algorithms",
year = 1996,
volume = 20,
number = 1,
pages = "45--86",
note = ""}
- C
author = "L. Cacciari and O. Rafiq",
title = "Modelling and analysis of temporal constraints in communication protocols",
journal = "Annals of Telecommunications",
year = 1995,
volume = 50,
number = "11-12",
pages = "907--919",
note = ""}
@COMMENT "reachability"
author = "T. CaoHuu and W. Yong and K. Lee",
title = "Universal read/write buffer for multiprocessor cache coherency schemes",
booktitle = "27th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers",
year = 1993,
pages = "785--790",
month = "November",
publisher = ieeecsp,
note = ""}
author = "O.S.F. Carvalho and G. Roucairol",
title = "On mutual exclusion in computer networks",
journal = cacm,
year = 1983,
volume = 26,
number = 2,
pages = "146--147",
note = ""}
author = "A. Cau and P. Collette",
title = "Parallel composition of assumption-commitment specifications. A unifying approach for shared variable and distributed message passing concurrency",
journal = "ACTA informatica",
year = 1996,
volume = 33,
number = 2,
pages = "153",
note = ""}
author = "K.M. Chandy and L. Lamport",
title = "Distributed snapshots - determining global states of distributed systems",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems",
year = 1985,
volume = 3,
number = 1,
pages = "63--75",
note = ""}
author = "Y. Chang",
title = "A simulation study on distributed mutual exclusion",
journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed computing",
year = 1996,
volume = 33,
number = 2,
pages = "107",
note = ""}
author = "B. CharronBost and F. Mattern and G. Tel",
title = "Synchronous, asynchronous and causally ordered communication",
journal = dc,
year = 1995,
volume = 9,
number = 4,
pages = "173",
note = ""}
author = "B. CharronBost and R. Cori and A. Petit",
title = "Introduction to the algorithm of shared objects",
journal = "Rairo-informatique theorique et applications-theoretical informatics and applications",
year = 1997,
volume = 31,
number = 2,
pages = "97--148",
note = "language: french"}
author = "S. Chaudhuri and J. Welch",
title = "Bounds on the costs of register implementations",
booktitle = "",
year = 1991,
volume = 486,
series = lncs,
pages = "402--421",
note = ""}
author = "S. Chaudhuri and J.L. Welch",
title = "Bounds on the costs of multivalued register implementations",
journal = "SIAM Journal of Computing",
year = 1994,
volume = 23,
number = 2,
pages = "335--354",
note = ""}
author = "W. Chen and J.T. Udding and T. Verhoeff",
title = "Networks of communicating processes and their (de-)composition",
booktitle = "",
year = 1989,
volume = 375,
series = lncs,
pages = "174--196",
note = ""}
author = "Jen-Shiun Chiang and Damu Radhakrishnan",
title = "Hazard-free Design of Mixed Operating Mode Asynchronous
Sequential Circuits",
journal= ije,
volume = 68,
number = 1,
pages = "23--37",
year = 1990 }
author = "B. Chor and A. Israeli and M. Li",
title = "Wait-free consensus using asynchronous hardware",
journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing",
year = 1994,
volume = 23,
number = 4,
pages = "701--712",
note = ""}
author = "A.K. Choudhury and E.L. Hahne",
title = "A new buffer management scheme for hierarchical shared memory switches",
journal = "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking",
year = 1997,
volume = 5,
pages = "726--738",
month = "October",
note = ""}
author = "M. Choy and A.K. Singh",
title = "Localizing failures in distributed synchronization",
journal = ieeetpds,
year = 1996,
volume = 7,
number = 7,
pages = "705--716",
note = ""}
author = "Tam-Anh Chu",
title = "Automatic synthesis and verification of hazard-free control circuits from asynchronous finite state machine Specifications",
pages = "407--413",
booktitle= iccd,
publisher= icsp,
month = oct,
year = 1992 }
author = "Tam-Anh Chu",
title = "On the specification and synthesis of hazard-free asynchronous
control circuits",
pages = "1495--1498",
booktitle= iscas,
publisher= icsp,
volume = 3,
year = 1993 }
author = "Tam-Anh Chu",
title = "Synthesis of Hazard-Free Control Circuits from Asynchronous
Finite State Machine Specifications",
pages = "61--84",
journal= vlsisp,
volume = 7,
number = "1/2",
month = feb,
year = 1994 }
author = "Edwin C.Y. Chung and Lindsay Kleeman",
title = "Metastable-robust Self-timed Circuit Synthesis from Live Safe
Simple Signal Transition Graphs",
pages = "97--105",
booktitle= async,
month = nov,
year = 1994 }
author = "S. Cohen and D. Lehmann and A. Pnueli",
title = "Symmetric and economical solutions to the mutual exclusion problem in a distributed system",
journal = lncs,
year = 1983,
volume = 154,
pages = "128--136",
note = ""}
author = "S. Cohen and D. Lehmann and A. Pnueli",
title = "Symmetric and economical solutions to the mutual exclusion problem in a distributed system",
journal = tcs,
year = 1984,
volume = 34,
number = "1-2",
pages = "215--225",
note = ""}
author= "P.J. Courtois and F. Heymans and D.L. Parnas",
title= "Concurrent Control with readers and writers",
journal= cacm,
year= 1971,
volume= 14,
number= 10,
month= "October",
pages= "667--668",
note = "Classic reader/writer problem?"}
author = "R. Cypher",
title = "The communication requirements of mutual exclusion",
booktitle = "7th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Archotectures",
year = 1995,
pages = "147--156",
month = "July",
publisher = "ACM",
note = ""}
- D
author = "A.K. Datta and O.R. Aguilar and R. Flatebo and S. Ghosh",
title = "Simulating shared memory primitive in asynchronous message passing systems",
journal = "Computer Systems Science and Engineeing",
year = 1995,
volume = 10,
number = 2,
pages = "75--83",
note = ""}
author = "A.C. Davies",
title = "Asynchronous Communications Between Locally Synchronous Subsystems",
booktitle = "Proc. Polish - Czech - Hungarian Workshop on Circuit Theory, Signal Processing and Applications",
year = 1997,
pages = "75--80",
month = "September",
note = "got"}
author = "F.S. de Boer and H. Tej and W.P. de Roever and M. van Hulst",
title = "Compositionality in real-time shared variable concurrency",
booktitle = "Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems",
year = 1996,
volume = 1135,
series = lncs,
pages = "420--439",
note = ""}
author = "F.S. de Boer and U. Hannemann and W.P. de Roever",
title = "A compositional proof system for shared variable concurrency",
booktitle = "FME '97: Industrial Applications and Strengthened Foundations of Formal Methods",
year = 1997,
volume = 1313,
series = lncs,
pages = "515--532",
note = ""}
author= "S. Dolev and A. Israeli and S. Moran",
title= "Self-stabilization of dynamical systems assuming only read/write atomicity",
booktitle= podc,
year= 1990,
month= "August",
pages= "103--117",
number= "9th annual"}
author = "S. Dolev and A. Israeli and S. Moran",
title = "Self-stabilization of dynamical-systems assuming only read write atomicity",
journal = dc,
year = 1993,
volume = 7,
number = 1,
pages = "3--16",
note = ""}
author = "S. Dolev and J.L. Welch",
title = "Wait-free clock synchronization",
journal = "Algorithmica",
year = 1997,
volume = 18,
number = 4,
pages = "486--511",
note = ""}
author = "C. Dwork and M. Herlihy and S.A. Plotkin and O. Waarts",
title = "Time lapse snapshots",
booktitle = "",
year = 1992,
volume = 601,
series = lncs,
pages = "154--170",
note = ""}
author = "C. Dwork and M. Herlihy and O. Waarts",
title = "Contention in shared memory algorithms",
journal = jacm,
year = 1997,
volume = 44,
pages = "779--805",
month = "November",
note = ""}
- E
author = "Jo C. Ebergen",
title = "Arbiters: An Exercise in Specifying and Decomposing Asynchronously Communicating Components",
type = "Research Report",
number = "CS-90-29",
institution= "Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Waterloo, Canada",
month = jul,
year = 1990 }
author = "Jo C. Ebergen",
title = "Arbiters: an exercise in specifying and decomposing asynchronously communicating components",
pages = "223--245",
journal= "Science of Computer Programming",
volume = 18,
number = 3,
month = jun,
year = 1992 }
author = "O. Egecioglu and A.K. Singh",
title = "Naming symmetrical processes using shared variables",
journal = dc,
year = 1994,
volume = 8,
number = 1,
pages = "19--38",
note = ""}
- F
author = "M.J. Fischer and S. Moran and G. Taubenfeld",
title = "Space-efficient asynchronous consensus without shared memory initialization",
journal = ipl,
year = 1993,
volume = 45,
number = 2,
pages = "101--105",
note = ""}
author = "A. D. Friedman and R. L. Graham and J. D. Ullman",
title = "Universal single transition time asynchronous state
journal= ieeetc,
volume = "C-18",
pages = "541--547",
month = jun,
year = 1969 }
author = "J. Furunaes and J. Adomat and L. Lindh and J. Staerner",
title = "A prototype for interprocess communication support, in hardware",
booktitle = "9th EuroMicro workshop on Real-Time Systems",
year = 1997,
pages = "18--24",
month = "June",
publisher = "IEEE",
note = ""}
- G
author = "S. Ghosch",
title = "The world's shortest mutual exclusion algorithm",
journal = cacm,
year = 1987,
volume = 30,
pages = "997",
month = "December",
note = ""}
author = "G.W. Greenwood",
title = "On the equity of mutual exclusion algorithms in distributed systems",
journal = ipl,
year = 1995,
volume = 56,
number = 1,
pages = "19",
note = ""}
author = "E.P. Gribomot",
title = "Atomicity refinement and trace reduction theorems",
booktitle = "Computer Aided Verification",
year = 1996,
editor = "Alur R., Henzinger T.A.",
volume = 1102,
series = lncs,
pages = "311--322",
note = "8th International conference"}
- H
author= "S. Haldar and K. Vidyasankar",
title= "A Space-optimum 1-buffer read/write construction of 1-writer 1-reader multivalued atomic variable",
institute= "Theoretical computer science group, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India",
year= "Year unknown"}
author = "S. Haldar",
title = "One bounded mutual exclusion using two blocked set binary semaphores and two shared bits",
institution = "Cornell University",
year = 1989,
number = "TR 89-1006",
note = ""}
author= "S. Haldar and K. Vidyasankar",
title= "Counter examples to a one writer multireader atomic variable construction of Burns and Peterson",
institute= "Dept. Comp. Sci. Memorial Uni. Newfoundland, St. John's Canada",
number= "9106",
year= 1991,
note =""}
@COMMENT "1/1/N - 1/M/N & 1/M/1"
author= "S. Haldar and K. Vidyasankar",
title= "Counter examples to a one writer multireader atomic variable construction of Burns and Peterson",
journal= acmosr,
volume= "26",
number= 1,
year= 1992,
pages= "78--88"}
author= "S. Haldar and P.S. Subramanian",
title= "Space optimum conflict-free construction of 1-writer 1-reader multivalued atomic variable",
booktitle= woda,
number= 857,
series= lncs,
year= 1994,
pages= "116--129"}
author= "S. Haldar and K. Vidyasankar",
title= "Constructing 1-writer multi-reader multivalued atomic variables from regular variables",
journal= jacm,
volume= "42",
number= 1,
year= 1995,
pages= "186--203",
note = ""}
author = "S. Haldar and K. Vidyasankar",
title = "Buffer-optimal constructions of 1-writer multireader multivalued atomic shared variables",
journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
year = 1995,
volume = 31,
number = 2,
pages = "174--180",
note = ""}
author= "S. Halder and K. Vidyasankar",
title= "Space-efficient construction of buffer-optimal 1-writer 1-reader multivalued atomic variable",
journal= jacm,
year= 1996,
note = ""}
author = "S. Haldar and K. Vidyasankar",
title = "Simple extensions of 1-writer atomic variable constructions to multiwriter ones",
journal = "ACTA Informatica",
year = 1996,
volume = 33,
number = 2,
pages = "177--202",
note = ""}
author = "M. Hennessy",
title = "An algebraic theory of fair asynchronous communicating processes",
pages = "121--143",
journal= tcs,
volume = 49,
year = 1987 }
author = "M. Herlihy",
title = "Wait-Free Synchronization",
journal = apls,
year = 1991,
volume = 13,
number = 1,
pages = "124--149",
note = ""}
author = "W.H. Hesselink",
title = "Wait-free linearization with an assertional proof",
journal = dc,
year = 1994,
volume = 8,
number = 2,
pages = "65--80",
note = ""}
author = "W.H. Hesselink",
title = "Wait-free linearization with a mechanical proof",
journal = dc,
year = 1995,
volume = 9,
number = 1,
pages = "21--36",
note = ""}
title = "Reading and writing in the same cycle",
howpublished = "European patent",
month = "September",
year = 1981,
note = "async. FIFO, Patent No. 2-086-623"}
author = "J.H. Hoepman and J. Tromp",
title = "Binary Snapshots",
booktitle = "",
year = 1993,
volume = 725,
series = lncs,
pages = "18--25",
note = ""}
author = "H.J. Hoover and P. Rudnicki",
title = "Uniform self-stabilizing orientation of unicyclic networks under read/write atomicity",
journal = "Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science",
year = 1996,
volume = 5,
pages = "1--7",
note = ""}
- I
author = "P.K. Srimani and S.R. Das",
title = "Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms",
publisher = ieeecsp,
year = 1992,
series = "IEEE Computer Society Press Technology Series",
note = "ISBN 0818633808"}
author = "A. Isralei and M. Li and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title = "Simple multireader registers using time-stamp schemes",
institution = cwi,
year = 1987,
number = "CS-R8758",
note = ""}
author= "A. Israeli and A. Shaham",
title= "Optimal multi-writer multi-reader atomic register",
booktitle= podc,
year= 1992,
month= "August",
pages= "71--82",
number = "11th annual",
note = ""}
author = "A. Israeli and A. Shaham",
title = "Optimal multi-writer multi-reader atomic register",
institution = cwi,
year = 1992,
number = "CS-R9235",
note = ""}
author = "A. Israeli and L. Rappoport",
title = "Efficient wait-free implmentations of a concurrent priority queue",
booktitle = "",
year = 1993,
volume = 725,
series = lncs,
pages = "1--17",
note = ""}
author = "A. Israeli and A. Shirazi",
title = "The time complexity of updating snapshot memories",
journal = ipl,
year = 1998,
volume = 65,
number = 1,
pages = "33--40",
note = ""}
- J
author = "P. Jayanti and S. Toueg",
title = "Wakeup under read write atomicity",
booktitle = "",
year = 1991,
volume = 486,
series = lncs,
pages = "277--288",
note = ""}
author = "P. Jayanti and A. Sethi and E.L. Lloyd",
title = "Minimal shared information for concurrent reading and writing",
booktitle = "",
year = 1992,
volume = 579,
series = lncs,
pages = "212--228",
note = ""}
author = "P. Jayanti",
title = "Fault tolerant wait-free shared objects",
institution = "Cornell University",
year = 1992,
number = "TR-92-1298",
note = "Update of TR-92-1281"}
author = "P. Jayanti",
title = "Robust wait-free hierarchies",
journal = jacm,
year = 1997,
volume = 44,
number = 4,
pages = "592--614",
note = ""}
author = "M.A. Jiffry",
title = "{P}etri net analysis of the {MASCOT} pool {IDA} commuication mechanisms",
booktitle = "Proceedings Design {CPN} Workshop",
year = 1998,
note = ""}
author = "J. Robert Jump and P. S. Thiagarajan",
title = "On the interconnection of asynchronous control structures",
journal= jacm,
volume = 22,
pages = "596--612",
month = oct,
year = 1975 }
- K
author = "C. Kaiser",
title = "Mutual exclusion and priority scheduling",
journal = "TSI-Technique et Science Informatiques",
year = 1982,
volume = 1,
number = 1,
pages = "59--68",
note = ""}
author = "A.R. Karlin and E. Upfal",
title = "Parallel hashing - an efficient implementation of shared memory",
journal = jacm,
year = 1988,
volume = 35,
number = 4,
pages = "876--892",
note = ""}
author = "T. Killeen and M. Celenk",
title = "Reducing interprocess communication overhead through register windows",
journal = "SouthEastern Symposium on System Theory",
year = 1995,
volume = 27,
pages = "130--135",
publisher = ieeecsp,
note = ""}
author= "L.M. Kirousis and E. Kranakis and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "Atomic Multireader Register (Detailed abstract)",
institution= cwi,
number= "CS-8704",
year= "1987",
month= "January"}
author= "L.M. Kirousis and E. Kranakis and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "Atomic Multireader Register",
institution= cwi,
number= "CS-8722",
year= "1987"}
author= "L.M. Kirousis and E. Kranakis and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "Atomic Multireader Register",
booktitle= wodc,
series= lncs,
number= 312,
year= 1988,
month= "July",
pages= "278--296",
%COMMENT "got. 2 reader polynomial solution. 1/1/N - 1/M/N and 1/M/1"
author = "L.M. Kirousis and P. Spirakis and P. Tsigas",
title = "Simple atomic snapshots a linear complexity solution with unbounded time-stamps",
booktitle = "",
year = 1991,
volume = 497,
series = lncs,
pages = "582--587",
note = ""}
author = "L.M. Kirousis and P. Spirakis and P. Tsigas",
title = "Reading many variables in one atomic operation - solutions with linear or sublinear complexity",
booktitle = "",
year = 1992,
volume = 579,
series = lncs,
pages = "229--241",
note = ""}
author = "L.M. Kirousis and A.G. Veneris",
title = "Efficient algorithms for checking the atomicity of a run of read and write operations",
booktitle = "",
year = 1993,
volume = 725,
series = lncs,
pages = "54--68",
note = ""}
author = "L.M. Kirousis and P. Spirakis and P. Tsigas",
title = "Reading many variables in one atomic operation - solutions with linear and sublinear complexity",
journal = ieeetpds,
year = 1994,
volume = 5,
number = 7,
pages = "688--696",
note = ""}
author = "L.M. Kirousis and A.G. Venersis",
title = "Efficient algorithms for checking the atomicity of a run of read and write operations",
journal = "ACTA Informatica",
year = 1995,
volume = 32,
number = 2,
pages = "155--170",
note = ""}
author = "L.M. Kirousis and P. Spirakis and P. Tsigas",
title = "Simple atomic snapshots - a linear complexity solution with unbounded time-stamps",
journal = ipl,
year = 1996,
volume = 58,
number = 1,
pages = "47--53",
note = ""}
author = "N. Kobayashi and A. Yonezawa",
title = "Asynchronous communication model based on linear logic",
booktitle = "Parallel Symbolic Computing: Languages, Systems and Applications",
year = 1993,
volume = 748,
series = lncs,
pages = "331--337",
month = "October",
note = ""}
author = "E. Kranakis",
title = "Functional dependencies of variables in wait-free programs",
booktitle = "",
year = 1989,
volume = 392,
series = lncs,
pages = "148--159",
note = ""}
author = "C.P. Kruskal and L. Rudolph and M. Snir",
title = "Efficient synchronization on multiprocessors with shared memory",
journal = apls,
year = 1988,
volume = 10,
number = 4,
pages = "579--601",
note = ""}
author = "A.D. Kshemkalyani",
title = "Reasoning about causality between distributed nonatomic events",
journal = "Artificial Intelligence",
year = 1997,
volume = 92,
number = "1-2",
pages = "301-315",
note = ""}
author = "A.D. Kshemkalyani",
title = "A framework for viewing atomic events in distributed computations",
journal = tcs,
year = 1997,
volume = 196,
number = "1-2",
pages = "45--70",
note = ""}
- L
author = "K.B. Lakshmanan and K. Thulasiraman",
title = "On the use of synchrinisers for asynchronous communication networks",
journal = lncs,
year = 1988,
volume = 312,
pages = "257-277",
note = ""}
author = "K.Y. Lam and D. Gollmann",
title = "Freshness assurnace of authentication protocols",
booktitle = "?",
year = 1992,
volume = 648,
series = lncs,
pages = "261--271",
note = ""}
author= "L. Lamport",
title= "Concurrent reading and writing",
journal= cacm,
volume= 11,
year= 1977,
pages= "806--811",
note = ""}
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "An assertional correctness proof of a distributed algorithm",
journal = "Science of Computer Programming",
year = 1983,
volume = 2,
number = 3,
pages = "175--206",
note = ""}
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "Using time instead of timeout for fault tolerant distributed systems",
journal = apls,
year = 1984,
volume = 6,
number = 2,
pages = "254--280",
note = ""}
author = "L. Lamport and P.M. Melliarsmith",
title = "Synchronizing clocks in the presence of faults",
journal = jacm,
year = 1985,
volume = 32,
number = 1,
pages = "52--78",
note = ""}
author= "L. Lamport",
title= "On Interprocess Communication Parts {I} ({B}asic {F}ormalism) and {II} ({A}lgorithms)",
journal= dc,
year= 1986,
volume= 1,
pages= "77--101",
%COMMENT "multi-reader problem posed, safe bit definition, 1/1/1 - K/M/N"
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "The mutual exclusion problem Parts {I} (a theory of interprocess communication) and {II} (statement and solutions)",
journal = jacm,
year = 1986,
volume = 33,
number = 2,
pages = "313--326, 327--348",
note = ""}
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "A fast mutual exclusion algorithm",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems",
year = 1987,
volume = 5,
number = 1,
pages = "1--11",
note = ""}
author = "L. Lamport and F.B. Schnieder",
title = "Pretending Atomicity",
institution = "SRC Digital Equipment Corp.",
year = 1989,
number = "44",
note = ""}
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "A theorem on atomicity in distributed algorithms",
journal = dc,
year = 1990,
volume = 4,
number = 2,
pages = "59--68",
note = ""}
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "Concurrent reading and writing of clocks",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems",
year = 1990,
volume = 8,
number = 4,
pages = "305--310",
note = ""}
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "The mutual exclusion problem has been solved",
journal = "cacm",
year = 1991,
volume = 34,
number = 1,
pages = "110, 119",
month = "January",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "got 110 from IEE, their copy had 119 missing with the refs on it"
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "The temporal logic of actions",
journal = apls,
year = 1994,
volume = 16,
number = 3,
pages = "872--923",
note = ""}
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "How to make a correct multiprocess algorithm program execute correctly on a multiprocessor",
journal = ieeetc,
year = 1997,
volume = 46,
number = 7,
pages = "779--782",
note = ""}
author = "J. O'Leary and G. Brown",
title = "Synchronous emulation of Asynchronous circuits",
journal = ieeetcad,
volume = 16,
number = 2,
pages = "205--209",
month = feb,
year = 1997,
note = ""}
%COMMENT "FPGA impl. of async ccts, uses Tangram (CSP like). doesn't preserve complete async just communication behaviour."
author = "H.F. Leung and H.F. Ting",
title = "An optimal algorithm for global termination detection in shared-memory asynchronous multiprocessor systems",
journal = ieeetpds,
year = 1997,
volume = 8,
number = 5,
pages = "538--543",
note = ""}
author = "M. Li and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title = "A very simple construction for atomic multiwriter register",
institution = cwi,
year = 1987,
number = "CS-R8751",
note = ""}
author= "M. Li and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "A Very Simple Construction for Atomic multiwriter register",
institute= "Aiken Comp. Lab., Harvard Univ.",
year= 1987,
number= "TR 01-87"}
author= "M. Li and J. Tromp and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "How to Construct Wait Free Variables",
booktitle= alp,
series= lncs,
year= 1989,
volume= 372,
pages= "488-505"}
author= "M. Li and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "How to share concurrent asynchronous wait-free variables",
booktitle= alp,
series= lncs,
volume= 372,
year= 1989,
pages= "488--505",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "2 reader polynomial solution, 1/1/N - 1/M/N and 1/M/1, 1/M/N - K/M/N"
author= "M. Li and J. Tromp and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "How to share concurrent wait-free variables",
institute= cwi,
number= "CS-8916",
year= 1989,
month= "April"}
author = "H. F. Li and S. C. Leung and P. N. Lam",
title = "Synthesis of Delay-Insensitive Circuits by Refinement into Atomic Threads",
pages = "180--186",
booktitle= iccd,
publisher= icsp,
month = oct,
year = 1991 }
author= "M. Li and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "Optimality of wait-free atomic multiwriter variables",
booktitle= ipl,
volume= 43,
number= 2,
year= 1992,
pages= "107--112"}
author= "M. Li and J. Tromp and P.M.B. Vitanyi",
title= "How to share Concurrent Wait-Free Variables",
journal= jacm,
volume= 43,
number= 4,
month= "July",
year= 1996,
pages= "723--746"}
author = "H.M. Lien and S.M. Yuan",
title = "A new approach of constructing information structure for mutual exclusion in distributed systems",
booktitle = "1994 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems",
year = 1994,
editor = "Ni L.M.",
pages = "588--591",
month = "December",
publisher = "IEEE",
note = ""}
author = "H.A. Lin",
title = "A methodology for constructing communication protocols with multiple concurrent functions",
journal = dc,
year = 1988,
volume = 3,
number = 1,
pages = "23--40",
note = ""}
author = "E.A. Lycklama and V. Hadzilacos",
title = "A 1st come 1st served mutual-exclusion algorithm with small communication variables",
journal = apls,
year = 1991,
volume = 13,
number = 4,
pages = "558--576",
note = ""}
author = "N.A. Lynch",
title = "Distributed Algorithms",
publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann",
year = 1996,
series = "Data Management Systems",
note = "ISBN 1-55860-348-4"}
%COMMENT "seen, async comms have either fifo, waiting or critical sections"
- M
author = "Y. Manabe and R. Baldoni and M. Raynal and S. Aoyagi",
title = "k-arbiter: a safe and general scheme for h-out of-k mutual exclusion",
journal = tcs,
year = 1998,
volume = 183,
number = "1-2",
pages = "97",
note = ""}
author = "Alan Marshall and Bill Coates and Polly Siegel",
title = "Designing an Asynchronous Communications Chip",
journal= ieeedt,
volume = 11,
number = 2,
pages = "8--21",
year = 1994 }
author = "C. Martel and A. Park and R. Subramonian",
title = "Work optimal asynchronous algorithms for shared memory parallel computers",
journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing",
year = 1992,
volume = 21,
number = 6,
pages = "1070--1099",
month = "December",
note = ""}
author = "Alain J. Martin",
title = "The Probe: An Addition to Communication Primitives",
journal= ipl,
volume = 20,
number = 3,
pages = "125--130",
note = "Erratum: IPL 21(2):107, 1985",
year = 1985 }
author = "M. Mavronicolas",
title = "Efficiency of semi-synchronous versus asynchronous systems: atomic shared memory",
journal = "Computers and Mathematics with Applications",
year = 1993,
volume = 25,
number = 2,
pages = "81",
month = "January",
note = ""}
author = "M. McCarthy and C. Marlin",
title = "Interprocess communication protocol support in a distributed integrated software developement environment",
booktitle = "17th Annual Computer Science Conference",
year = 1994,
editor = "Gupta G.",
volume = 16,
series = "Australian Computer Science Communications",
pages = "363--372",
month = "January",
publisher = "Christchurch, University of Canterbury",
note = ""}
author = "T.P. McCartney and K.J. Goldman",
title = "Visual specification of interprocess and intraprocess communication",
booktitle = "10th IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages",
year = 1994,
pages = "80--89",
month = "October",
publisher = ieeecsp,
note = ""}
author = "C.M. McNamee and R.A. Olsson",
title = "Transformations for optimizing interprocess communications and synchronization mechanisms",
journal = "International Journal of Parallel Processing",
year = 1990,
volume = 19,
number = 5,
pages = "357",
month = "October",
note = ""}
author = "J.M. Mellocrummey and M.L. Scott",
title = "Scalable reader-writer synchronization for shared memory multiprocessors",
journal = "Sigplan notices",
year = 1991,
volume = 26,
number = 7,
pages = "106--113",
note = ""}
author = "J.M. Mellocrummey and M.L. Scott",
title = "Synchronization without contention",
journal = "Sigplan Notices",
year = 1991,
volume = 26,
number = 4,
pages = "269--278",
note = ""}
author = "P.M. Merlin",
title = "A methodology for the design and implementation of communications protocols",
journal = "IEEE Trans Commun.",
year = 1976,
volume = COM-24,
number = 6,
pages = "614--621",
month = "June",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "in KCL Lib, telephone system, busy etc i.e. waiting."
author = "M. Merritt and G. Taubenfeld",
title = "Atomic {M}-Register operations",
booktitle = "",
year = 1992,
volume = 579,
series = lncs,
pages = "289--294",
note = ""}
author = "M. Merritt and G. Taubenfeld",
title = "Speeding Lamport's fast mutual exclusion algorithm",
journal = ipl,
year = 1993,
volume = 45,
number = 3,
pages = "137",
month = "March",
note = ""}
author = "M. Merritt and G. Taubenfeld",
title = "Atomic {M}-Register operations",
journal = dc,
year = 1994,
volume = 7,
number = 4,
pages = "213--221",
note = ""}
author = "R. Milner",
title = "Communication and Concurrency",
publisher= ph,
year = 1989,
note = "ISBN 0-13-114984-9. KCL Lib - QA267 MIL"}
author = "J. Misra",
title = "Axioms for memory access in asynchronous hardware systems",
booktitle = "",
year = 1985,
volume = 197,
series = lncs,
pages = "96-110",
note = ""}
author= "J. Misra",
title= "Axioms for memory access in asynchronous hardware systems",
journal= apls,
number= 8,
year= 1986,
pages= "142--153"}
- N
author = "M.L. Neilson",
title = "A dag-based algorithm for distributed mutual exclusion",
institution = "Kansas State University",
year = 1989,
number = "TR-CS-89-12",
note = ""}
author= "R. Newman-Wolf",
title= "A Protocol for wait-free, atomic, multi-reader shared variables",
booktitle= podc,
year= 1987,
month= "August",
pages= "232--248",
number = "6th annual",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "2 reader polynomial solution, 1/1/N - 1/M/N and 1/M/1"
author = "N. Nishimura",
title = "Asynchronous shared memory parallel computation (preliminary version)",
journal = "Computer Architecture News",
year = 1991,
volume = 19,
number = 1,
pages = "97",
month = "March",
note = ""}
author = "N. Nishimura",
title = "A model for asynchronous shared-memory parallel computation",
journal = "SIAM Journal on Computing",
year = 1994,
volume = 23,
number = 6,
pages = "1231--1252",
note = ""}
author = "N. Nishimura",
title = "Efficient asynchronous simulation of a class of synchronous parallel algorithms",
journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences",
year = 1995,
volume = 50,
number = 1,
pages = "98--113",
note = ""}
- O
author = "M. O'Neill and J.N. Hanlon",
title = "A data storage arrangement for buffering asynchronous input and output data streams",
howpublished = "European patent",
month = "January",
year = 1976,
note = "Patent No. 1-487-706"}
%COMMENT "3 slot buffer for async data. No Metastability, uses mutual exclusion and waiting on the control variables. Ceased 16/1/1992"
author = "A. Orda and M. Merritt",
title = "Efficient test and set constructions for faulty shared memory",
journal = ipl,
year = 1997,
volume = 62,
number = 1,
pages = "41--46",
note = ""}
author = "Fredrik Orava",
title = "Verifying Safety and Deadlock Properties of Networks of Asynchronously Communicating Processes",
booktitle= "Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification: Proceedings of the 9th International {IFIP} WG~6.1 Workshop",
editor = "Brinksma, Ed and Scollo, Guiseppe and Vissers, Chris A.",
year = 1989 }
- P
author = "I.P. Page and R.T. Jacob",
title = "The solution of mutual exclusion problems which can be described graphically",
journal = "The Computer Journal",
year = 1989,
volume = 32,
pages = "45--54",
month = "February",
note = ""}
author = "G.L. Peterson",
title = "Myths about the mutual exclusion problem",
journal = ipl,
year = 1981,
volume = 12,
number = 3,
pages = "115--116",
note = ""}
author= "G.L. Peterson",
title= "Concurrent reading while writing",
journal= apls,
volume= 5,
number= 1,
year= 1983,
pages= "46--55",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "got, First to suggest the problem?, 1/M/1 - 1/M/N"
author= "G.L. Peterson and J.E. Burns",
title= "Concurrent Reading while Writing {II}: The Multi-Writer Case (Preliminary report)",
institute= git,
number= "GIT-ICS-86/26",
year= 1986,
month= "December"}
author= "G.L. Peterson and J.E. Burns",
title= "Concurrent Reading while Writing {II}: The Multi-Writer Case",
booktitle= ifcs,
year= 1987,
pages= "383--392",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "2 reader polynomial solution, 1/M/N - K/M/N"
author = "N. Plouzeau and M. Raynal and J.P. Verjus",
title = "The relationship between producers and consumer - some distributed solutions",
journal = "TSI - Technique et Science Informatiques",
year = 1987,
volume = 6,
number = 3,
pages = "231--241",
note = "Language: French"}
author = "S. Poledna",
title = "Optimizing interprocess communication for embedded real-time systems",
booktitle = "17th IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium",
year = 1996,
pages = "311--320",
month = "December",
publisher = ieeecsp,
note = ""}
- Q
- R
author = "M.O. Rabin",
title = "{N}-process mutual exclusion with bounded waiting by 4. {Log2N} valued shared variables",
journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences",
year = 1982,
volume = 25,
number = 1,
pages = "66--75",
note = ""}
author = "U. Ramachandran and M. Ahamad and M.Y.A. Khalidi",
title = "Coherence of distributed shared memory: Unifying synchronization and datatransfer",
booktitle = "Proc. of the 1989 Int'l Conf. on Parallel Processing (ICPP'89)",
year = 1989,
volume = 2,
pages = "160--169",
month = "August",
note = ""}
author = "M. Ramachandran and M. Singhal",
title = "Decntralized semaphore support in a virtual shared memory system",
institution = "Computer and Information Sciences Research Center, Ohio State University",
year = 1994,
number = "OSU-CISRC-3/94-TR10",
month = "March",
note = ""}
author = "M. Ramachandran and M. Singhal",
title = "On the synchronization mechanisms in distributed shared memory systems",
institution = "Computer and Information Sciences Research Center, Ohio State University",
year = 1994,
number = "OSU-CISRC-10/94-TR54",
month = "October",
note = ""}
author = "M. Ratcliffe",
title = "Implementation of an asynchronous four slot communication mechanism",
school = "Hatfield Polythechnic",
year = 1986,
type = "MSc",
month = "January",
note = "" }
author = "K. Raymond",
title = "Multiple entries with Ricart and Agrawala's distributed mutual exclusion algorithm",
institution = "University of Queensland",
year = 1987,
number = "78",
note = ""}
author = "K. Raymond",
title = "Implementing distributed semaphores using distributed mutual exlusion techniques",
institution = "University of Queensland",
year = 1988,
number = "93",
note = ""}
author = "M. Raynal",
title = "A simple taxonomy for distributed mutual exclusion algorithms",
journal = "Operating Systems Review",
year = 1991,
volume = 25,
number = 2,
pages = "47--51",
month = "April",
note = ""}
author = "P.D. Rainers",
title = "Understanding the wait-free set-consensus partial order",
school = "Iowa State University",
year = 1996,
note = ""}
author = "C.W. Reynolds",
title = "Signaling regions - multiprocessing in a shared memory reconsidered",
journal = "Software Practice and Experience",
year = 1990,
volume = 20,
number = 4,
pages = "325--356",
note = ""}
author = "G. Ricart and A.K. Agrawala",
title = "An optimal algorithm for mutual exclusion in computer networks",
journal = cacm,
year = 1981,
volume = 24,
number = 1,
pages = "9--17",
note = ""}
author = "G. Ricart and A. Agrawala",
title = "On mutual exclusion in computer networks - response",
journal = cacm,
year = 1983,
volume = 26,
number = 2,
pages = "147--148",
note = ""}
author = "Per Torstein R{\o}ine",
title = "A System for Asynchronous High-speed Chip to Chip Communication",
booktitle= async,
publisher= icsp,
month = mar,
year = 1996 }
- S
author = "I. Satoh and M. Tokoro",
title = "Time and asynchronouy in interactions among distributed real-time objects",
journal = lncs,
year = 1995,
volume = 952,
pages = "331--350",
note = ""}
author= "R. Schaffer",
title= "On the correctness of atomic multi-writer registers",
institution= mit,
year= 1988,
number= "MIT/LCS/TM-364",
month= "June",
note = ""}
author = "R.W. Schaffer",
title = "The Peterson-Burns multi-writer, multi-reader atomic register algorithm",
school = mit,
year = 1988,
type = "B.S. thesis",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "Supercised by Nancy Lynch"
author = "Huub Schols",
title = "Delay-insensitive Communication",
school = eut,
month = dec,
year = 1992 }
author = "N.B. Serbedzija",
title = "High level programming of real-time systems with asynchronous communication",
journal = "Information and Software Technology",
year = 1990,
volume = 32,
pages = "497--505",
month = "September",
note = ""}
author = "E. Shade and K.T. Narayana",
title = "Real-time semantics for shared-variable concurrency",
journal = "Information and Computation",
year = 1993,
volume = 102,
number = 1,
pages = "56--82",
note = ""}
author = "K. Shafer",
title = "Modeling asynchronous distributed communication",
institution = "Ohio State University",
year = 1991,
number = "OSU-CISRC-7/91-TR19",
note = ""}
author = "F.A. Shamsi",
title = "{I}bn {S}ina's argument against atomicity",
booktitle = "",
year = 1983,
pages = "479--494",
publisher = "Basbakanlik Basimevi",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "Unknown conference 1983, Ankara. Journal Toplanti Bidirileri Dizisi, No. 1."
author = "H.R. Simpson",
title = "Fully Asynchronous Communication",
booktitle = "Mascot in Real-Time Systems",
year = 1987,
series = "Colloquium",
month = "May",
organisation = "IEE",
note = ""}
author = "H.R. Simpson",
title = "Asynchronous Communication Systems",
howpublished = "European Patent",
year = 1988,
note = "Publication No. 0 292 287"}
author = "H.R. Simpson",
title = "Four-slot fully asynchronous communication mechanism",
journal = ieepte,
year = 1990,
volume = 137,
number = 1,
pages = "17--30",
month = "January",
note = ""}
author = "H.R. Simpson",
title = "Correctness analysis for class of asynchronous communication mechanisms",
journal = ieepte,
year = 1992,
volume = 139,
number = 1,
pages = "35--49",
month = "January",
note = ""}
author = "H.R. Simpson",
title = "New algorithms for asynchronous communication",
journal = ieepte,
year = 1997,
volume = 144,
number = 4,
pages = "227--231",
month = "July",
note = ""}
author = "H.R. Simpson",
title = "Role model analysis of an asynchronous communication mechanism",
journal = ieepte,
year = 1997,
volume = 144,
number = 4,
pages = "232--240",
month = "July",
note = ""}
author = "H.R. Simpson",
title = "Multireader and multiwriter asynchronous communication mechanisms",
journal = ieepte,
year = 1997,
volume = 144,
number = 4,
pages = "241--243",
month = "July",
note = ""}
author= "A.K. Singh and J.H. Anderson and M.G. Gouda",
title= "The Elusive Atomic Register Revisited",
institute= uta,
number= "86.30",
year= 1986,
month= "December"}
author= "A.K. Singh and J.H. Anderson and M.G. Gouda",
title= "The Elusive Atomic Register Revisited",
booktitle= podc,
pages= "206--221",
year= 1987,
month= "August",
number = "6th annual"}
%note = "2 reader polynomial, 1/1/N - 1/M/N and 1/M/1"
author = "A.K. Singh and J.H. Anderson and M.G. Gouda",
title = "The elusive atomic register (updated version)",
institution = "University of Texas at Austin",
year = 1989,
number = "TR-89-14",
month = "May",
note = ""}
author = "A.K. Singh",
title = "An axiomatization of wait-freedom and low-atomicity",
booktitle = "",
year = 1990,
volume = 468,
series = lncs,
pages = "154--163",
note = ""}
author = "A.K. Singh",
title = "Specification of concurrent objects using auxiliary variables",
journal = "Science of Computer Programming",
year = 1991,
volume = 16,
number = 1,
pages = "49--88",
note = ""}
author = "A.K. Singh",
title = "Towards an understanding of unbounded variables in asynchronous systems",
journal = ipl,
year = 1992,
volume = 42,
number = 1,
pages = "7--17",
note = ""}
author = "A.K. Singh and M.G. Gouda",
title = "{RANKERS} - a classification of synchronization problems",
journal = "Science of Computer Programming",
year = 1993,
volume = 21,
number = 3,
pages = "191--223",
note = ""}
author= "A.K. Singh and J.H. Anderson and M.G. Gouda",
title= "The Elusive Atomic Register",
journal= jacm,
Volume= 41,
number= 2,
year= 1994,
month= "March",
pages= "311--339",
note = ""}
author = "M. Singhal",
title = "A Taxonomy of distributed mutual exclusion",
journal = "Journal of Parallel and distributed computing",
year = 1993,
volume = 18,
number = 1,
pages = "94",
month = "May",
note = ""}
author = "J.P. Skudlarek",
title = "Remarks on a methodology for implementing highly concurrent data objects",
journal = "Sigplan Notices",
year = 1994,
volume = 29,
number = 12,
pages = "87--93",
note = ""}
author = "E. Smith",
title = "On the border of causality - contact and confusion",
journal = tcs,
year = 1996,
volume = 153,
number = "1-2",
pages = "245--270",
note = ""}
author = "F.W. Sommen and W.H.J. Feijen and A.J.M. Gasteren",
title = "Peterson's mutual exclusion algorithm revisited",
journal = "Science of Computer Programming",
year = 1997,
volume = 29,
number = 3,
pages = "327",
note = ""}
author = "J.A. Stankovic and K. Ramamritham and E.M. Nahum",
title = "Predicatable interprocess communication for hard real-time systems",
booktitle = "10th Workshop Distributed Computer Control Systems 1991: towards distributed real-time systems with predicatable timing properties",
year = 1991,
editor = "Kopetz H., Rodd M.G.",
pages = "69--74",
month = "September",
publisher = "Pergamon",
note = ""}
author = "E.W. Stark",
title = "Semaphore primitives and starvation free mutual exclusion",
journal = jacm,
year = 1982,
volume = 29,
number = 4,
pages = "1049--1072",
note = ""}
author = "J. Staunstrup and J. Nievergelt",
title = "The behavior of shared objects - concepts, pitfalls, and a new model",
journal = ipl,
year = 1989,
volume = 30,
number = 3,
pages = "145--151",
note = ""}
author = "E. Styer and G.L. Peterson",
title = "Tight bounds for shared memory symmetric mutual exclusion problems",
institution = "Georgia Institute o Technology",
year = 1989,
number = "GIT-ICS 89/09",
note = ""}
author = "R. Subramonian",
title = "Asynchronous algorithms for shared memory parallel computers",
school = "University of California, Davis",
year = 1991,
note = ""}
author = "C. Svensson and J. Yuan",
title = "A 3-level asynchronous protocol for a differential two-wire communication link",
journal = ieeejssc,
year = 1994,
volume = 29,
pages = "1129--1132",
month = "September",
note = ""}
- T
author= "J. Tromp",
title= "How to Construct an Atomic Variable (Extended Abstract)",
booktitle= woda,
volume = 392,
series= lncs,
year= 1989,
pages= "292--302",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "got, 1/1/1 - 1/1/N"
author = "J.T. Tromp",
title = "How to contruct an atomic variable",
institution = cwi,
year = 1989,
number = "CS-R8939",
note = ""}
author= "J. Tromp",
title= "How to Comstruct an Atomic Variable",
note= "Quoted - To Appear, reason for 4 slots claimed to be in here, but never published"}
author = "J.N. Tsitsiklis and G.D. Stamoulis",
title = "On the average communication complexity of asynchronous distributed algorithms",
journal = jacm,
year = 1995,
volume = 42,
number = 2,
pages = "392",
note = ""}
- U
author = "E. Upfal and A. Wigderson",
title = "How to share memory in a distributed system",
journal = jacm,
year = 1987,
volume = 34,
number = 1,
pages = "116--127",
note = ""}
- V
author= "K. Vidyasankar",
title= "Converting Lamport's regular registers to atomic registers",
journal= ipl,
Volume= 28,
number = 6,
year= 1988,
pages= "287--290",
note = ""}
%COMMENT "1/M/1 - 1/M/N"
author= "K. Vidyasankar",
title= "An Elegant 1-writer multireader multivalued atomic register",
journal= ipl,
volume = 30,
number= 5,
pages= "221-223",
year= 1989}
author= "K. Vidyasankar",
title= "Concurrent reading while writing revisted",
journal= dc,
volume= 4,
number= 2,
year= 1990,
pages= "81-85"}
author= "K. Vidyasankar",
title= "A very simple construction of 1-writer multireader multivalued atomic variable",
journal= ipl,
volume= 37,
number= 6,
pages= "323-326",
year= 1991}
author = "K. Vidyasankar",
title = "Weak Atomicity - A helpful notion in the construction of atomic shared variables",
journal = "Sahana-Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences",
year = 1996,
volume = 21,
number = 2,
pages = "245--259",
note = ""}
author = "Tom Verhoeff",
title = "Characterizations of Delay-Insensitive Communication Protocols",
type = csn,
number = "89/06",
institution= eut,
month = may,
year = 1989 }
author = "P.M.B. Vitanyi and B. Awerbuch",
title = "Atomic Shared Register Access by Asynchronous Hardware",
institution = mit,
year = 1986,
number = "MIT/LCS/TM 314",
note = ""}
author = "P.M.B. Vitanyi and B. Awerbuch",
title = "Atomic shared register access by asynchronous hardware: detailed abstract",
institution = cwi,
year = 1986,
number = "CS-R8628",
note = ""}
author= "P.M.B. Vitanyi and B. Awerbuch",
title= "Atomic Shared Register Access by Asynchronous Hardware",
booktitle= ifcs,
year= 1987,
pages= "233--243",
note= "errata Ibid., 1987."}
%COMMENT " Multi-reader problem posed? 1/M/N - K/M/N. Unbounded variable size solution"
- W
author = "D.J. Walker",
title = "Automated analysis of mutual exclusion algorithms using {CCS}",
institution = "University of Edinburgh",
year = 1989,
type = "LFCS report",
number = "ECS-LFCS-89-91",
note = ""}
author = "J.M. Wing and C. Gong",
title = "Testing and verifying concurrent objects",
journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
year = 1993,
volume = 17,
number = "1-2",
pages = "164--182",
note = ""}
author = "M.M. Wu",
title = "Asynchronous algorithms for shared memory",
school = "University og Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
year = 1992,
note = ""}
author = "M.M. Wu and M.C. Loui",
title = "Modeling robust asynchronous communication protocols with finite state machines",
journal = ieeetc,
year = 1993,
volume = 41,
number = 3,
pages = "492--500",
note = ""}
- X
author = "F. Xia and I.G. Clark",
title = "{P}etri net models of a class of asynchronous communication mechanisms",
institution = "Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, King's College London",
year = 1995}
author = "F. Xia and I.G. Clark and A.C. Davies",
title = "{P}etri-net based investigation of synchronisation-free interprocess communication in shared-memory real-time systems",
booktitle = "Second UK Asynchronous Forum",
year = 1997,
editor = "Furber S.B., Yakovlev A.V.",
month = "July",
organisation = "University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.",
note = ""}
author = "Fei Xia and Ian Clark",
title = "Complementing role models with {Petri} nets in studying
asynchronous data communications",
booktitle="International Conference on Applications and Theory of {Petri}
pages = "66--85",
year = 1998 }
author = "F. Xia and I. Clark",
title = "Complementing role models with {P}etri nets in studying asynchronous data communications",
chapter = "1",
pages = "33--50",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = 2000,
edition = "Hardware Design and {P}etri Nets (Eds. Yakovlev A. Gomes L. Lavagno L.)",
month = "March",
note = "ISBN 0-7923-7791-5" }
- Y
author = "J.H. Yang and J.H. Anderson",
title = "A fast, scalable mutual exclusion algorithm",
journal = dc,
year = 1995,
volume = 9,
number = 1,
pages = "51",
note = ""}
- Z
author = "X.D. Zhang and Y. Yan and R. Castaneda",
title = "Evaluating and designing software mutual exclusion algorithms on shared memory multiprocessors",
journal = "IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology",
year = 1996,
volume = 4,
number = 1,
pages = "25--42",
note = ""}
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