Page index
- Accoona
- All Search
- AOL - UK -
AOL - US - Search (US)
- Ask (UK) -
Ask (US) - Was Ask Jeeves
- Beaucoup! - 2000+ Search Engines, Indices and Directories.
- Dogpile
- - Open Directory Project - Help build the largest human edited directory of the Web
- Exalead
- Excite (US)
- FindHow - The How-To Search Engine.
- Google (UK) -
Google (US) -
Google Scholar -
Google Suggest -
In Google you can use 'cache:', 'site:', 'inurl:', 'allinurl:', 'intitle', 'allintitle', '~' = synonym, 'define:', 'filetype:' and 'link:'.
- Google Alert - performs regular Google searches for you and emails you the results.
- Gopher
- GoToWorld
- GuideBeam
- Hermia - the intelligent search engine
- Hotbot (UK) -
Hotbot (US)
- HotRate - search made relevant
- HotSheet
- ICQ iT!
- Infohiway
- InfoZoid - Meta search engine using 15 search engines simultaneously, with relevancy ranking.
- Internet Oracle
- Searchable databases and specialized search engines.
- Internet Search Engine Database
- iTools -
Find-It -
- Ixquick - meta search engine
- Kanoodle - The Search Rocket
- KartOO -
UK version - meta search engine which presents its results on a visual map.
- Kenjin Autonomy's intelligent search engine (requires Windows)
- KillerInfo - Meta search with clustering.
- - A Multi-Search Search Engine
- - all-in-one search page - Web, News, People, Maps.
- Lycos -
The Lycos 50 Daily Report
- MetaFind
- MetaSpy
- Multimeta - The Meta Search Engine - simultaneous metasearch in the major international search engines
- QuestFinder - Searching the Web Search Engines and Web Directories
- ResearchBuzz! - search engine news and information
- REX - The Internet Resource EXchange
- Same Energy - Visual Search Engine
- Scrub The Web
- Search.Com
- UK
- Search Engine Colossus - An International Directory of Search Engines.
- Search Engine Showdown - The Users' Guide to Web Searching -
Search Engine Features list
- Search Engine Watch
- SearchHippo
- SearchHound
- SearchKing
- Speegle - Have your search results read to you.
- Spiders Apprentice - How to use web search engines
- Teoma
- Thunderstone
- Turbo10
- Vivisimo - Clustering Engine
- W3 Search Engines
- WebMap - graphically search the web (requires windows)
- What-U-Seek
- Windows Live Beta - Windows Live Academic Beta
- Yahoo (UK) -
Yahoo (US) -
Yahoo Mindset
- Yippy
- Zuula (beta)
Still can't find what you're looking for ? ... then click here!
Portals, Net Guides & Indexes (most include search engines too)
Reference and Information
- - acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the web.
- abuzz
- Acronym and abbreviation list
- Acronym Finder
- Acronyms, Text, Abbreviations, Slang, Messaging, Jargon - ATXTA
- All Experts
- Argus
- Athletic World Records
- British Library - Virtual reference library
- CyberLife
- eHow - The fast and easy way to find out how to do just about anything, and get the stuff you need to do it.
- Expert Central
- Ezine @rticles
- - interactive knowledge site
- Internet FAQ Consortium
- FindArticles - 10,000,000 articles - not found on any other search engine.
- Flags of the World
- World Flag Database
- Free
- - Earth Edition of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
- HelpWare Directory
- Hints and Things - "Hints and Things is my way of trying to share all those little pearls of wisdom that used to be passed from generation to generation"
- HotDispatch - Info Market
- How Stuff Works
- How Things Work
- If I Knew
- iLearn.To
- - On-line Dictionary, Internet Encyclopedia, Atlas & Almanac Reference
- Informatron
- InfoJump - Online Magazines Info.
- InfoMarkets
- InfoMine - Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
- InfoRocket
- Internet Tools Summary
- Internet Weather Report - Animated maps of current internet lag
- KnowPost
- Learn2
- Market Analysis and Information Database
- Martindale's 'The Reference Desk'
- Medals of the World
- Mount Kolias - Mountains of Information on How To Do Anything
- Mr Know It All! - Everything About Everything
- Nipper's Internet Resources Page
- NISS Reference
- Open Text
- PINAKES - A subject launchpad
- Professional Researcher - making the web productive for the professional
- RefDesk
- Report Writing Guide, by the Plain English Campaign
- Resource Discovery Network -
Virtual Training Suite
- Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography
- StudyWeb - The learning portal
- Subjective Electronic Information Repository
- - encyclopedia of Western signs and ideograms.
- TipKing - Free household tips, hints and frugal ideas.
- Tutorial - Finding Info. on the Internet
- Virtual Reference - All in one multiform master reference page (not just links).
- Wanna Learn
- Weeno - Learn how to do stuff you don't know
- Whatis
- Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia.
- wiseGEEK - Clear answers for common questions.
- WordSpot
- World Wide Information Outlet
Email lists & Usenet news groups
"One man in his life time can only comprehend one philosophy.
When he has done his best he leaves it to others to continue."
Misc. Info., Bookshops & Publishers
Libraries ...
Ever driven behind a car with a stuck on the back of it?
Do you know what it means?
It's called an `ICHTHUS'. It was an early sign used by Christians. In the early days being a believer could cost you your life. So this was used as a secret symbol. It is acrostic, which means it can be split up, and the letters start other words.
I | = | IESOUS | = | JESUS |
CH | = | CHRISTOS | = | CHRIST |
TH | = | THEOU | = | GOD'S |
U | = | UIOS | = | SON |
S | = | SOTER | = | SAVIOUR |
Museums, etc. ...
If you find any of these links not working, or want to recommend new links, then please email me.